Marie-Laure MAZE Elle travaille avec précision et crée des espaces graphiques inspirés de la nature qui tendent vers l'abstraction. Des lignes courent, circulent, se croisent et se multiplient, invitations à se promener ou à laisser cheminer sa pensée. Aller un peu plus loin, au-delà du simple regard. She works with precision and creates graphic spaces inspired by nature that tend towards abstraction. Lines run, circulate, intersect and multiply, invitations to stroll or to let one's thoughts progress. Go a little further, beyond the simple glance. She associates, marries opposites which then stand out and sublimate themselves, in a work tending towards abstraction, but always according to figurative rhythms. Improvisation and composition, raw and calculated motion, hot and cold, full and empty, opaque and transparent merge and complement each other." Si une de ces œuvres vous intéresse... D Allain